Real estate marketing is getting increasingly complicated.
Let’s break it down into it’s most simple form.
For me, that’s engagement.
Pure and simple, the #1 goal of marketing is to engage people and bring them closer to the business.
Too often I talk to folks who have lost sight of the people part of the business.
Instead, they get focused on doing deals, crunching numbers, and getting obsessed with watching their bank accounts grow.
Then their business reaches a plateau. They can’t break thru to the next level. They’re stuck on a treadmill with no end in sight… just an endless cycle of transactions, with no heart and soul.
That’s where engagement really makes a difference.
Engagement is about connection. It’s about reaching people at their heart – building trust and credibility so a relationship can begin.
Engagement is about connecting people (including you) to the real purpose behind your business – so that your business shows off its heart, not just its financial side.
That can be a bit scary. Full engagement can bring up some fears – just like any kind of commitment. But the results are extraordinary.
When your marketing really reaches people at the heartfelt level, you have achieved engagement. When you are living your life for your purpose, you have reached full engagement.
If you’re trying to engage Motivated Sellers, your marketing must build credibility that you can help them out of the most difficult financial situation they’re in.
To reach Cash Buyers and Private Lenders, you’ve gotta show them that you’re able to deliver discount properties and high rates of return on their investments.
When you’ve shown people why your business matters to their lives, and what it can do to improve their current situation and solve their toughest problems, it means the world to them.
Here are the 5 Secrets to Full Engagement:
1. Build Trust and Credibility.
In order to establish a genuine relationship with people to do business with them, you have to earn their trust to establish your credibility.
Our websites come fully loaded with content that helps you build trust and credibility, so that you don’t have to start from scratch – you start with a fully built website.
The best way to add extra credibility is called Social Proof – things like testimonials and case studies have been proven to increase conversions.
2. Help the people you’re trying to reach see a better future.
If you want great content that brings people closer to your business, whether it’s filling out a form or picking up the phone to offer you a great deal on a discount property, you’ve got to paint a picture of a better future – one that includes you.
Example: Our SEO & PPC Services help you get leads for your business without you having to lift a finger – we send you leads so you can focus on building your investment portfolio and living a great life.
See how there’s a powerful emotional appeal in saving time and making money from someone else’s work?
When you’re trying to reach Motivated Sellers, help them see and feel what it will look like to get their property sold – focus on the sense of relief, of freedom, and the opportunity to begin with a fresh slate.
When focusing on Cash Buyers, Private Lenders or other real estate investors, profit is an important motive – but so is ease of mind. Show investors know how they can rest easy when you’re helping to build their portfolio by educating them on the real estate market by helping them to understand how they can participate in an awesome future – with you.
3. Focus on education, not conversions.
This may seem slightly contradictory, since we talk a lot about conversions… but it’s not. Most of the content we’ve built into our sites has been from an educational perspective.
For Cash Buyers and Private Lenders, you want to convince that person that you’re their conduit to the best deals and the greatest investment opportunities – but you also have to make sure that you don’t violate any regulations. One of the best ways to do this is to focus on real estate market data reports and other valuable information for investors.
Our report showing the top 52 Most Valuable Keywords for Real Estate Investors has been a powerful tool to help bring investors into our business, and we’re getting ready to release some data that will blow the minds of investors who are still stuck in the old days of real estate – before the internet.
We build education into our Motivated Seller sites, too – with Lead Pages offering Free Reports to help you bring leads into your business. Our Cash Buyer sites have reports built into them too.
If you can create a report that educates your target market with valuable information that they can’t find anywhere else, you’ll bring in a ton of leads – just tell them about the report.
Of course conversions matter, but they shouldn’t be the primary thing you’re focused on. Instead, focus on building insanely good value with your audience by educating them on the market.
4. Tell your story.
You want to inspire people with the purpose behind your business, and show them what it means to you to be in real estate.
This is your opportunity to shine, and for those who are afraid to “step into the limelight”, telling your story can be extremely intimidating.
A lot of our clients want to hide behind the name of their company – or worse, refuse to use their real name. This isn’t the way to build genuine relationships with people.
If you’re going to do business with someone, let’s face it – you want to know that they’re credible, and what makes them stand out from the others with a similar offer.
When folks ask me what makes InvestorCarrot different, I explain that our niche is something that no one else is doing: data-driven lead generation for real estate investors.
There are a lot of other places that offer websites to real estate investors, and we know that.
Most of the other options out there are marketing companies with generic templates who don’t really understand the secrets of real estate marketing, much less the needs of wholesalers, house flippers and investors.
Since we started first in real estate and then learned digital marketing, our focus is completely different than the marketing companies who only focus on building traffic to a website, instead of doing the tough work to figure out how to engage a customer, build trust, and develop the credibility to get that person to want to put in their contact info… not trick them into becoming “just another lead”.
5. Begin with your Purpose fully in mind.
This is where it might start to sound a bit like Magic, but the truth is that when you have clearly, fully and succinctly defined your Purpose, it’s a lot easier to reach your goals.
Purpose is really the secret to full engagement.
After all, if your purpose as an investor is truly to build a stronger community, you’ll behave differently than someone who just wants to make money. That kind of Purpose will shine through your marketing and brighten up all aspects of your life. It’s living at a higher level.
So what’s your purpose?
Why did you get into real estate, anyway?
What do you want to accomplish from the next stage of your business growth?
How will it help you to energize your marketing and create insanely great engagement with the people you want to reach?