About reibrain

Hey, my name is Trevor and I'm the founder of The REI Brain and editor/contributor. I started investing in real es.tate when I was 21... and love entrepreneurship, the internet, and real estate. My main focus today is growing my companies, systemizing my businesses so I can work less and make more, and spend more time with my family. Learn more about me at trevormauch.com.
Archive by Author
why productivity hacks don

Why Productivity Hacks Don’t Work (podcast episode)

Ever get to the end of the day or the end of the week and feel wiped out and like you didn’t get anything important done? Ya, we all do. A few years back I was in a major funk and had more days like that than days that felt “productive”. So I was on a […]

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motivated house seller searches online 2015

Behind The Data: Why Spring Is The Perfect Time To Ramp Up Your Online Motivated Seller Leads

Just like with farming, seasons matter in business. If you own a ski resort… seasons matter big time. If you are a landscaper… seasons matter. And if you are a real estate investor or agent… seasons matter. A few months back I wrote a blog post about the seasonality of real estate investor leads and […]

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On Page SEO: The 12 Key Steps To Optimize Your Real Estate Investor Web Pages

The most common “starter” questions we get from real estate investors about on-page SEO is… “what meta keywords should I use?” and “how many times should I use my keyword in each page?“. 5 or 6 years ago “meta tags” and “meta keywords” were all the rage. You’d cram your meta keywords section with 20 […]

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bounce rate for real estate investors websites

Does The Bounce Rate On Your Website Really Matter?

At least a half dozen times a week I get emails from our  subscribers asking a question like… “I see my bounce rate is 72% and that seems high. Is it? And does the bounce rate on my website really matter?” First off… you may be wondering what a “bounce rate” for a real estate […]

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Are There Less Real Estate Investor Leads In Holiday Months Than Summer Months? (Stats Inside…)

We’ve been watching this trend over the past year and have been monitoring search levels on many of the top motivated seller, cash buyer, private lender, and tenant search phrases out there. Now… each type of searcher came up with slightly different seasonal search patterns…. so in this post we’ll run through some of what we […]

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