The old adage, “Truth is stranger than fiction” holds true in this next story.
A small business owner in Utah thought he would try to improve morale at his company and allow the employees to have some fun by having each day of the week be a different theme.
You know how many offices allow casual business attire on Fridays as a way to reward the employees or to give them something to look forward to? He apparently had the same thought but took it a few steps too far.
Not surprisingly, this business owner is now being sued for sexual harrasment for allegedly designing the following dress code calendar and allegedly insisting the female employees follow it:
Monday: Mini-skirt Monday, no panties allowed
Tuesday: Tube-top Tuesday
Wednesday: Wet T-shirt Wednesday
Thursday: No-bra Thursday, and
Friday: Bikini top Friday
It’s downright shocking that in this day and age that any employer would dare create this type of garbage. It’s unclear in the original article what type of business this is but isn’t this owner concerned about his public image?
If you are a business owner and have even one employee, you must know the business laws of your state as well as the basic human resources rules and regulations, especially those regarding sexual harassment.
Ask your attorney to explain the definition and what actions are considered a form of sexual harassment.
See the full story here.