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16 Point Real Estate Investor Website Conversion Rate Checklist

There are two core elements to generating qualified leads online for your real estate investing business. Whether you’re a wholesaler, flipper, buy and hold investor / landlord, rent to own, note buyer, even self-storage… the lifeblood of your online lead generation hinge on these 2 elements. Traffic – Getting qualified people to your website Conversion […]

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The Content Marketing Pyramid For Real Estate: More Results With Less Work

Content marketing has been around as long as marketing has been around. And that’s a LOOOOONNNNNGGG time. In fact, back before the internet, TV, radio, telephone, newspapers, and the USPS… content marketing was about all there was to sell your wares. You had some chickens, you were there in the market talking up why your […]

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motivated house seller searches online 2015

Behind The Data: Why Spring Is The Perfect Time To Ramp Up Your Online Motivated Seller Leads

Just like with farming, seasons matter in business. If you own a ski resort… seasons matter big time. If you are a landscaper… seasons matter. And if you are a real estate investor or agent… seasons matter. A few months back I wrote a blog post about the seasonality of real estate investor leads and […]

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Are There Less Real Estate Investor Leads In Holiday Months Than Summer Months? (Stats Inside…)

We’ve been watching this trend over the past year and have been monitoring search levels on many of the top motivated seller, cash buyer, private lender, and tenant search phrases out there. Now… each type of searcher came up with slightly different seasonal search patterns…. so in this post we’ll run through some of what we […]

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google +1 matter for seo rankings for real estate investors

The Surprising Correlation Between Google +1’s And Your Real Estate Investor Website Ranking

Now more and more getting those high rankings in Google for top search phrases as a real estate investor (wholesaler, flipper, rental property owner, note buyer/seller, turn key investment property seller, etc.) can be a HUGE reward… but it isn’t like it used to be to get your real estate investing company’s website ranked high. […]

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